Top synonyms for medical treatment (other words for medical treatment) are medical care, medical assistance and health care. When potential contamination of victims by toxins is involved, initial triage outside the hospital first identifies those needing immediate decontamination to protect the patient, staff, and entire hospital facility. Because of the need to resuscitate as soon as possible, resuscitation should begin here!Burn size is estimated by the rule of nines, and there is evaluation of suspected inhalation injury and of the need for intubation.Level 2 triage occurs at the scene (or nearby) by the most experienced medical provider.Finally, the ABA approach is burn center oriented and defines the following:Triage at the ED is performed according to the nature of the PHE. sorting according to quality; the assignment of degrees of urgency to decide the order of treatment of injuries, illnesses, etc.
1 word related to triage: sorting. It’s become watered down to mean ANY situation where people need to prioritize a schedule or organize items. Triage during a disaster involves field triage, which sorts disaster victims into categories ranging from the walking wounded to those with injuries who are salvageable to the unsalvageable and the dead.ScienceDirect ® is a registered trademark of Elsevier B.V.Primary triage occurs at the scene.If available, tags are attached to each patient.
What are synonyms for Telephone triage?
Also see the discussion of rationing at the end of this chapter.Tertiary triage occurs in the ICU.Physical examination—external bleeding; penetrating injuries; thermal burns; chemical burns; neurologic status; and investigation of head, spine, thorax, abdomen, pelvis, and extremitiesPrimary triage is that occurring at the disaster scene or at the ED of the first receiving hospital.Triage includes the identification of an appropriate hospital destination and method of transport and is based on the patient's age and medical problem or type of trauma, an objective measure of the acuity of the condition, and the distance from an ED.Vital signs, including respiration rate, pulse oximetry, and temperatureLevel 3 triage is performed to determine evacuation priorities. Synonyms for triaging in Free Thesaurus. “Affect” vs. “Effect”: Use The Correct Word Every TimeAll Of These Words Are Offensive (But Only Sometimes)There are lots of words with truly gruesome histories that have evolved over time to have much gentler meanings. These tags facilitate victim identification and registration; tell about patients' history, medical treatment, injuries, urgency of treatment, and classification of injury; and specify the hospital for treatment. Several schemes exist to define levels of triage.
Antonyms for triage. Physiological triage tools identify patients in five categories: (1) those needing immediate lifesaving interventions; (2) those who need significant intervention that can be delayed; (3) those needing little or no treatment: (4) those who are so severely ill or injured that survival is unlikely despite major interventions; and (5) those who have already died. The word triage refers to a system in which priorities are sorted according to which ones are most immediate, the most urgent problems are taken care of before others. Group 4 patients are sometimes referred to as “expectant.” Expectant patients are defined by current resource constraints as well as physiological observations. Synonyms for Telephone triage in Free Thesaurus. Antonyms for triaging.
The other day I was in one of the Big Box home improvement stores. Care of patients triaged to group 4, those who are so severely ill or injured that survival is unlikely, must deviate most significantly from usual approaches to intensive care.
Because of overall demands on the system, scarce resources must be allocated to other patients who are more likely to survive. What are synonyms for triage?
And then, there’s Hawkeye.different way.
... triage Also found in: Thesaurus, Medical, Acronyms, Encyclopedia, Wikipedia. triage synonyms, triage pronunciation, triage translation, English dictionary definition of triage. And this manager walked up to his coworker and says, “A truck just pulled into the loading dock. Group 4 needs staff at least for comfort care.
Likewise, when a highly transmissible virulent infection is involved, triage prior to entering the ED identifies and isolates potentially infectious patients at the earliest time to avoid exposing staff and other patients.
1 word related to triage: sorting.