Soon, Allie realizes that her mother, Noah then asks Allie about Lon and about her passion for The next day, as Allie and Noah enjoy their separate mornings, they find themselves lost in thoughts of each other. The story is always the same one, which he reads out of his notebook, and which she sometimes remembers that she has heard before, is captivated by but cannot remember how it turns out.

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When Noah asks Allie why she never answered his letters, she becomes confused—she says she never got any letters. Allie and Noah continue reminiscing about their summer together as they prepare dinner and tour the house.

One morning, while looking through old letters again, he experiences pain, numbness, and loss of vision—he knows he is having a stroke.

The story is about two young lovers, Allie Hamilton and Noah Calhoun, who meet one day at a carnival.

Noah goes to answer it—and he’s shocked to find himself face to face with Allie’s mother, Anne Nelson. Noah writes 365 letters (A Year) to Allie, but her mother Anne Hamilton does not deliver them to her daughter.
After feeding the birds, Allie and Noah notice thunder and lightning approaching. In a local newspaper, Noah's picture catches Allie's eye. Thanks for exploring this SuperSummary Plot Summary of “The Golden Notebook” by Doris Lessing. Meanwhile Noah buys and restores the old house and many people want to buy it.

Themes; Style; Quotes. It details the love affair between Noah and Allie beginning in 1940 in Seabrook Island, South Carolina, when Allie was seventeen and on the brink of her college life, most-likely at Sarah Lawrence. But, what does the future have in store for Allie and Noah? We see them in the urgency of young romance, and then we see them as old people, she disappearing into the shadows of Alzheimer's, he steadfast in his love.

„Der nach einem Bestseller von Nicholas Sparks erstaunlich behutsam und ruhig erzählte Film entwickelt eine starke Emotionalität. When Allie asks Noah if he recalls having sex at the end of the summer, neither of them can resist their feelings any longer.

Back at the house, Allie and Noah sit in front of the fireplace and sip bourbon as they continue reminiscing about the summer of 1932. One day, Noah brings Allie to an ancient house that he dreams of buying and restoring and they attempt to make love but get interrupted by their friend.

Set amid the austere beauty of coastal North Carolina in 1946, The Notebook begins with the story of Noah Calhoun, a rural Southerner returned home from World War II.