They all protest that Mama Max can’t do that and Jesse agrees explaining that in order for them to do it, they need to cross theSome of Mama Max’s people see the event. Mama Max introduces him to Cam. Mama Max goes to see Daisy. Bo, Luke, Cooter, and Enos sit together to plan the rescue. Uploaded 03-09 2011, Size 698.89 MiB, ULed by .BONE. As she gets excited Enos tells her it’s 32 years and he can’t’ wait another 32. is a made-for-television film from 1997 which aired on CBS and reunites the surviving cast members of the American TV series, The Dukes of Hazzard.It is sometimes referred to as Reunion in Hazzard.. Daisy goes aroundmaking various preparations and is attacked in an ally and kidnapped. Daisy gets upset and faints. Roscoe tells Mama Maxx how stupid he believes she is, stating that he conned her into building the theme park. Enos asks Daisy to marry him and accidentally drops the ring, saying it took himten years to get the courage and when she expresses surprise he says this had been going on since the seventh grade. They are chased by Rosco and Cletus, causing the two to crash. It is sometimes referred to as Reunion in Hazzard. Bo, Luke, Daisy, and Enos talk about what happened and they spot Riker and Cam.
Enos arrives at the house and the boys tell him that Daisy waskidnapped. Mama Max says they will know for sure what Daisy found by her next move. Jesse,Bo, and Luke are called and informed that Daisy was kidnapped and they will let Daisy go if the Dukes lose the race. Borecognizes Cam and he and Luke realize Cam was hired to race against them. When Bo and Luke refuse again, Cam causes them to flip.At the Farm, Jesse tells Cooter he can only tell the storyonce. In the Cotton Mill, Riker is forced to call and make changes to Daisy’s cake. When Luke begins considering a few dirty tricks of their own, Jesse tells them that they will run the race fairly, and that no causeway can be built to the Hazzard Swamp because the ground will not support such a thing, due to the lack of supporting bedrock.The race between Kam and the Dukes begins, with Kam driving in Buzz's "Double Zero", the only car to beat the General Lee in an overland car race. The Dukes of Hazzard: Reunion! Enos also asks Rosco if he will marry him and Daisy, and Rosco agrees. The two agree.Cooter, Bo, and Luke arrive to see Mavis has taken over totheir surprise. She agrees to marry him and they leave.Bo and Luke deciding who will tell Enos about DaisyEnos picks up Daisy for their date and kisses her. They go inside and are horrified to find the barn is empty. Luke realizes they are missing something.Cam and Bo get ready to drive. Before they are married, a bus pulls up and the driver turns out to be Daisy's ex-husband, L. D., who is lost. Jesse had refused access in order to preserve the swamp and now residents are angry with Jesse, as the theme park would bring jobs and revenue to Hazzard County.After a bar fight with Maxx's men, the Dukes return to Cooter, who warns them that the General cannot sustain another attack. The Dukes of Hazzard: Reunion! Dukes of Hazzard: Reunion! The Dukes of Hazzard: Reunion!
They are then pursued by Cam and Riker. Bertha Jo explains to Daisy about her concerns about facing Bubba, as she loves him and she doesn’t want to beat him in front of everyone and she will have to throw the fight. Booke had passed away, and I can't recall now why Waylon didn't participate. Daisy argue that she can’t’ do that and convinces Bertha Jo that she needs to fight seriously. The film was directed by Lewis Teague, written by series creator Gy Waldron, and produced by Ira Marvin and Skip Ward. Bo Duke is all for it, but Cooter and Luke point out that the General Lee has been sitting.