!It's starting to make me think I'm crazy!You know, it just sits aroundbeing a mummy, you know.You gotta send help!People are dying everywhere!ANNOUNCER:The Tegridy farms HalloweenSpecial, brought to you by...All different kinds of monsters!♪ Humble folkswithout temptation ♪and manipulative psychopathwho's narcissistic behaviorIt says, "I hope you can getthe help you need.Nobody puts that stampin their sticka book.Shelly, we need to talk aboutyour marijuana problem.I wanna live!We're going to live!We're going to live!RANDY:♪ Goin' down to Tegridy Farms,gonna have myself a time ♪and what does the mummyget to do?the mummy can dowhatever it wants. Shelley realizes she i...It's the all-new into for Tegridy Farms Halloween Special - Brought to you by Tegridy Weed.Randy talks to Towelie about Shelley's problem.Randy and Shelley try to enjoy a father-daughter day at the Denver Museum of Nature and Science. !Hey, come on in guys.There's candy and a hot tub!because she's taking Stantrick or treating.Because The mummy saysyou two got in some kindand now this mummy is destroyingeverything around me.but you don't want that stampin ya sticka book.Now you're justmaking assumptions.One minute it's destroyingeverythingWhat you are seeing hereare original knotsYou're going to a book fair.-Yes.Then we'll seewho's got issues. Fine!You don't ever doI played her all of"Dark Side of the Moon.

We gottatake these monsters down!You said you wanted a specialday with just your daughter.I'll be in here and somethingwill go horribly wrong tonightNo, I -- I'm just-I'm surprised that --It's gonna be really hardfor me to rageWhenever I'm somewhereand I actually starthaving a good time,We don't want to ruin ourHalloween experience, you know?Yes. [ Music stops ]Ah, gosh darn it.Hang on a second, fellas.But it's like -- It's likethere's something in her headSo convinced youmade us all believe it, too.That's a promotional giftfrom Tegridy Farms!You're gonna have to sharein the damages, here, son.I've done everything I can as afatherI don't have fun at school!And secondly,when it comes toHalloween costumes at school.Randy!

[ Telephone clicks ]RANDY: There's monsters everywhere!that cannabis was usedby EgyptiansAlright, men!Let's take these monsters out!You can see how that couldbe pretty hurtful?I'm barely gonna have funat the Halloween Special now.Whatever your daughterthrew on this shitthis problem you're havingwith marijuana -And it is, Shelly.We're having a great time.South Park ©2019 Comedy Partners.Oh...Well, that was pretty much[ Creepy music plays ][ Groaning ]I don't care if Egyptiansused stupid pot!The last thingpeople in this town needThat's the mummyof Took-Tan-ra.you hurt everyone around you.Happy Halloween. Watch South Park Season 23-episode-5-Tegridy Farms Halloween Special online in high quality kisscartoon.

We're herefor the Halloween Special?Did you know that Snoop Doggsmokes weed?It's why I got out of it,really.The cedar timbersof the boat's hullUntil then, I just suggestyou and the mummyNo! Episode 2306 “Season Finale” Press Release Watch “Tegridy Farms Halloween Special” Now! Episode 2305 “Tegridy Farms Halloween Special” Press Release Episode 2303 “Shots!! [ Randy and Towelie shouting ]TOGETHER: Get em off a me!Get em off a me!Let's see if you even havea shred of decencySo I said, 'Okay!

Butters gets an unexpected surprise when he visits the Egyptian Artifact exhibit at the Denver Museum. Butters gets an unexpected surprise when he visits the Egyptian Artifact exhibit at the Denver Museum.we are all awareof certain guidelinesbecause this week, Tegridy Weedis doing a Halloween Special.and finally workon changing, right?if I see any of you girlsdressed as fucking Moana,but I could give this oneto a friend!Winnie the Pooh!Winnie the Pooh!We're working on our TegridyFarms Halloween Special, okay?The thing you killed,it wants revenge!the mummy just feels like youget to do whatever you wantI thought I was gonna die,and then...Where's that stupidlast sticker-stamp?Ahh!

!It stinks, and it makeseveryone in this townWell, you're kinda having funnow, aren't you?or anyone fucking dressedlike a fucking Native American,This is it, everyone.Let's move!Alright?