Définitions de Sumitomo Metal Industries, synonymes, antonymes, dérivés de Sumitomo Metal Industries, dictionnaire analogique de Sumitomo Metal Industries (allemand) Sumitomo Metal Industries Kokura, -4 Aug. 2011 a.jpg 2,025 × 1,330; 1.94 MB Sumitomo Metal Kokura Works in 2010 33022509 org.v1368492047.jpg 1,600 × 1,200; 1.25 MB Sumitomo metals logo.svg 266 × 18; 6 KB (2) In addition, we believe that Sumitomo's comprehensive project management and control capabilities (including strict control for punctual delivery) were highly evaluated by Nord Stream AG. En 2011, Nippon Steel annonce son intention de fusionner avec Sumitomo Metal Industries, Nippon Steel produisant environ 26,5 millions de tonnes d'acier par an alors que Sumitomo environ 11 millions de tonnes. 30, 2020. It is the third largest integrated steel manufacturer in Japan with three integrated steelworks and several other manufacturing plants.. Sumitomo Metal Industries est la société mère de Sumitomo Sitix jusqu'à Sumitomo Sitix a été fusionné avec Mitsubishi division de silicium de créer SUMCO (Sumitomo Mitsubishi). Sumitomo Metal Industries faisait partie du groupe jusqu'à sa fusion avec Nippon Steel en 2012. Sociétés du groupe Les sociétés du groupe opèrent des domaines aussi variés que la chimie, l'industrie lourde, la finance, l'assurance, l'industrie minière, le commerce, le transport, la construction, l'électronique, les services, l'armement, ou encore l'immobilier. Sumitomo Metal Industries is an electrical/electronic manufacturing company based out of 5-33 Kitahama 4-chome, Chuo-ku, Osaka, OS, Japan. Russian OAO Gazprom holds a 51 percent stake of the joint venture. Sumitomo Metal Industries | 31 abonnés sur LinkedIn | Sumitomo Metal Industries is an electrical/electronic manufacturing company based out of 5-33 … Samra Metal Industries, Ltd. (住友金属工業株式会社, Sumitomo Kinzoku Kōgyō Kabushiki-gaisha) was a steel manufacturer based in Osaka, Japan until it merged with Nippon Steel in 2012 to form Nippon Steel & Sumitomo Metal Corporation, the third largest steel manufacturer in the world as of 2015. SUMCO est actuellement le deuxième silicium fabricant de plaquettes. is a company with seat in Osaka, Japan. The project is to lay two offshore pipelines (each being approximately 1,220 km in length) on the seabed of the Baltic Sea. L'entité fusionnée devrait ainsi produire environ 37 millions de tonnes d'acier par an, faisant de Nippon Steel, le deuxième plus grand producteur d'acier au monde [1]. Sumitomo Metal Industries, Ltd. (住友金属工業株式会社, Sumitomo Kinzoku Kōgyō Kabushiki-gaisha?) (Revision) Partial Revision to the Reference Documents for the 95th Ordinary General Meeting of ShareholdersGiving new value to metals and supporting change in societyProducing high quality metals with world class smelting and refining technologyUpdated Corporate Governance ReportAnnouncement of Change of Members of the Independent Committee established in line with the Takeover Defense Measures We are a comprehensive heavy machinery manufacturer with a diverse range of businesses, including standard and mass-production machines, such as reducers and injection molding machines, as well as environmental plants, industrial machinery, construction machinery, and shipbuilding. This is the official Web site of Sumitomo Heavy Industries. Sumitomo Metal Industries, Ltd. (Sumitomo Metals) has decided to renew the facilities of its Corporate Research & Development Laboratories at Amagasaki city and the construction work has been started today. The new offices will encourage researchers, who are assigned to different products or technical areas, to share the space, In the previous tender for the Line 1 Nord Stream AG is an international joint venture company established for the planning, construction and subsequent operation of the Nord Stream destinations in Germany and Finland. (which took place in 2007 for approximately 1 million tons of pipes,) Japanese companies did not receive order. Sumitomo Metal Industries, Ltd. (Representative Director & President: Hiroshi Tomono) and Sumitomo Corporation (President & CEO: Susumu Kato) have won a contract from Nord Stream AG to supply large diameter welded (UOE) line pipes, coated on the inner and outer walls, for the Nord Stream Project, an offshore natural gas pipeline project that links Russia and the European Union via the Baltic Sea. However, during the current All rights reserved. We are a comprehensive heavy machinery manufacturer with a diverse range of businesses, including standard and mass-production machines, such as reducers and injection molding machines, as well as environmental plants, industrial machinery, construction machinery, and shipbuilding.