Online payment processing for internet businesses. Charge using 3D secure from REST apis in mobile apis. Browse other questions tagged php checkout stripe-api or ask your own question. All API requests exist in either There are also two types of API keys: Each account has a total of four keys: a publishable and secret key pair for test mode and live mode.Your API keys are available in the The test and live modes function almost identically, with a few necessary differences:You can view test data by toggling the Dashboard's Your secret API key can be used to make any API call on behalf of your account, such as creating charges or performing refunds. To refund a payment via the API, create a Refund and provide the ID of the charge to be refunded. Find help and support for Stripe. Not all payment methods require additional customer actions. PaymentIntents work with the Payment Request API.
The Stripe API uses API keys to authenticate requests. Manage your API keys to authenticate requests with Stripe.Stripe authenticates your API requests using your account’s API keys. However, integrating Stripe Checkout with the Prices API does Here are further details on your options going forward.You can continue to create new SKUs, plans, or ad-hoc one-time line items, as well as use your current ones, with your current Checkout integration.You can continue to use the API to This editor is only available for merchants that are already using SKUs. Online payment processing for internet businesses. Your account’s secret API keys can be used to perform any API request without restriction. your coworkers to find and share information. The PaymentIntent object’s Some common actions that customers need to perform are:Not all payment methods require additional customer actions. By clicking “Post Your Answer”, you agree to our To subscribe to this RSS feed, copy and paste this URL into your RSS reader. When the key is revealed, you can leave a note on the Dashboard describing the location on your own systems where you’ve copied it. Use Stripe’s payment platform to accept and process payments online for … Learn more about the API that powers a range of global payment methods.The Payment Methods API allows you to accept a variety of payment methods through a single API. site design / logo © 2020 Stack Exchange Inc; user contributions licensed under Ensure it is kept out of any version control system you may be using. You can also edit the key to change its level of access.Restricted keys are intended to reduce the risk when using or building microservices.