They're also subject to very limited availability, with a maximum of 30 people per session. Use this link to return to the bookings page for general admission.An unforgettable opportunity to spend time inside the tranquil circle of Stonehenge.English Heritage Member discounts are available.Use our online application form to request a Stone Circle Experience for 11+ people and filming enquiries. Until 26 March 2021, Stone Circle Experience is priced at £47 for adults (18+) and £28.20 for children aged 5-17. We have introduced limits on visitor numbers to help keep everyone safe, and you won’t be able to visit without your booking confirmation. If your visit is after general admission visits close at 5pm you are welcome on site from 4pm to explore the visitor centre. Please remember to bring and wear a face covering.From 27 March 2021 to 31 March 2022, Stone Circle Experience is priced at £50 for adults (18+) and £30 for children aged 5-17. Stonehenge at dawn. There are no restrictions on photography, but no photographs can be used on commercial websites except social media. As one of the country's most famous World Heritage sites most visitors are not allowed direct access to the stones, but we have arranged with English Heritage for privileged access when the site is closed to the general public! 16 reviews. Qualifying purchase must include a minimum purchase of US$20 (or equivalent). There is a choice of searching by calendar or by itinerary as follows: Inner circle Calendar of dates. Stonehenge Special Access tours - full details.
Only the toilets are open.The times of these visits can make for some excellent atmospheric photo opportunities.Although you can walk among the stones, the Property Steward will brief you on the Conditions of Entry which you will already have received with your booking which includes not to touch the stones amongst others. Children under 5 years of age are free. To keep everyone safe, we have reduced the number of people within the stone circle at any one time so where a group is more than 15 people the group will be divided into two with 30 minutes within the stone circle itself and 30 minutes around it. We purchased Special Access tickets to Stonehenge directly from English Heritage. Finally, in response to the over 800,000 annual visitors, access was restricted. Stonehenge Stone Circle Access Tours are special tours operated before and after opening hours to allow a small group of visitors to walk among the stones as people have done for thousands of years. You are not allowed to bring food or drink onto the monument.There is no public transport to Stonehenge at any time and the Stonehenge shuttle from Salisbury doesn't operate at hours when Special Access takes place.The only people there apart from a maximum of 30 Special Access ticket holders is  a Property Steward and a few security guards. * Stonehenge Winter Solstice Tour December 21st 2020 ** Visit Stonehenge at Sunrise or Sunset * Go beyond the fences and into the inner circle * Windsor Castle * Oxford ** Stonehenge Summer Solstice Tour. Most days there will not be a tour running and they will normally sell out well in advance on those days the tour runs - do not leave it until you arrive in London or you will be disappointed.There are three ways of conducting a Special Access Tour:Evening Special Access is only available in the summer months (March to September).With these restrictions in mind, there is little opportunity to pick and choose which operator you go with; generally you have to take whichever tour best suits your dates.One of the advantages of going with a tour company is that you will have a guide who should be quite knowledgeable about Stonehenge.Unless you go with a tour company who will provide you with a guide, there is nobody there to tell you anything about Stonehenge and no information is provided - though you can pre order a glossy guide book on ordering your tickets.Visits last for one hour, with a maximum of 30 people.On morning visits you have the advantage of using the facilities such as the gift shop, refreshment kiosk, audio guides, etc, once Stonehenge has opened to the public.These visits are called Special Access or Inner Circle visits and take place outside public opening hours (i.e.
Your application for an allocation of tickets, includes your desired dates and times.If you are successful in being offered an allocation of tickets, you can then purchase the tickets.With the exception of special days such as the two solstices and equinoxes, where special provision is made at dawn, this is the only time you will be able to walk amongst the stones at Stonehenge.Special Access visits take place at quite unsociable hours, commonly between 5.30 and 8am and after 6.30pm.As a result dates are very sporadic.