The great majority of cactuses have no visible leaves. Family Cactaceae: numerous genera and species noun plural -tuses or -ti (-taɪ) any spiny succulent plant of the family Cactaceae of the arid regions of America. I do enjoy what a poster said about about how the form changes based on specificity of quantity and kind.Yes, “didfferent” is not a word.but i’m not sure what to use. Some of them have thick, fleshy stems with thin, sharp spines. Dictionaries list both, and neither is right or wrong. They belong to the alumnuses society. And “cactuses” refers to several different types.As much as people love to “correct” on the internet, language is not math. Saguaro cacti are familiar imagery in the Western film genre, where they are instantly recognizable by their stark silhouettes and sharp spines.In most informal writing, you could rely on your best judgment and use whichever version seems more natural. Cactus is a Latin word that doesn’t mean cactus, so the Latin plural for words ending in -us is ī.
The plural forms for cactus are cacti or cactuses, both are accepted..
plural cacti \ ˈkak- ˌtī , - (ˌ)tē \ or cactuses also cactus Definition of cactus : any of a family (Cactaceae, the cactus family) of plants that have succulent stems and branches with scales or spines instead of leaves and are found especially in dry areas (such as deserts) A cactus (plural cactus, cactuses or cacti) is any member of the succulent plant family Cactaceae, native to the Americas.They are often used as ornamental plants, but some are also crop plants.. Cacti are distinctive and unusual plants, which are adapted to extremely arid and hot environments, showing a wide range of anatomical and physiological features which conserve water. It’s a matter of preference, though, and cacti is not wrong.”Hence the practice of law… Interpretation. I have always said cacti myself, although recently it came to my attention that both are acceptable. Any succulent plant with a thick fleshy stem bearing spines but no leaves, such as euphorbs. There are arbitrary rules we may place on it, but the standard is only as consistent as what people use and mutually understand at any given time (hence the existence of colloquialisms, dialects and neologisms).Yeah, that’s pretty much how language works…the popularity of words is important. noun plural -tuses or -ti (-taɪ) any spiny succulent plant of the family Cactaceae of the arid regions of America. They can survive extreme conditions by storing water in their stems for extended periods of time. A cactus (plural cacti, cactuses, or less commonly, cactus) is a member of the plant family Cactaceae, a family comprising about 127 genera with some 1750 known species of the order Caryophyllales.
“Most English speakers don’t say ani instead of anuses, apparati instead of apparatuses, campi instead of campuses, octopi instead of octopuses, stati instead of statuses, or viri instead viruses, and there’s no reason cactus should be any different.
Some words that come from Latin, such as cactus, stimulus, nucleus, and radius, still act as they did in Latin. Cacti is the Latin plural of cactus, and some writers use it in English. The dictionary is the authority on plurals (and lots of other things). It is becoming increasingly acceptable to anglicise most Latin plurals, and this is no bad thing. “Modern” English has always been permissive that way…we get most of our words from other places, as most growing languages do (in order to grow)…etymology, for example, is a Latin (well, Greek originally) word, as are all of the word plurals you mentioned, which was mentioned in the article. So cacti or cactuses are both ok.
Cactus is a Latin word that doesn’t mean cactus, so the Latin plural for words ending in -us is ī. Most cacti live in habitats subject to at least some drought. noun cacti, cactuses A succulent plant with a thick fleshy stem which typically bears spines, lacks leaves, and has brilliantly coloured flowers.
cactus definition: 1. any of many types of desert plant usually with sharp spines and thick stems for storing water 2…. Cacti are native to the Americas. And most college graduates don’t belong to the alumni society of their college or university. Cacti are native to arid regions of the New World and are cultivated elsewhere, especially as pot plants.
The Plural of Cactus The plural of cactus is cacti or cactuses. cactus ( plural cacti or cactuses or cactus ) ( botany) Any member of the family Cactaceae, a family of flowering New World succulent plants suited to a hot, semi-desert climate. Good point. … some of my teachers say to write ‘cacti’. Learn more.