We do this in two ways:Although individual contributions are generally categorized based on the donor's occupation/employer, in some cases individuals may be classified instead as ideological donors. Who will win this year's contentious midterm battles? *Includes contributions from other candidate committees.Under federal law, all contributions over $200 must be itemized and the donor's occupation and employer must be requested and disclosed, if provided. Biographie. For that reason, summary numbers are usually higher (and more current) than the numbers based on detailed records. View Gallery. Congressman Serving the 24th District of Texas. 2018 Eagle Scout Recognition Ceremony. Kenny E. Marchant is the United States Congressman of the 24th District of Texas. Look at totals and trends, and see how candidates and committees raise and spend money. Kenny Marchant est originaire de Bonham, dans le comté de Fannin au Texas.Après des études à la South Nazarene University (en), il entame une carrière dans l'immobilier [1].. Il est élu au conseil municipal de la ville de Carrollton en 1980 et devient maire de la ville en 1984.
While summary numbers are reported almost immediately by the FEC -- and listed quickly on OpenSecrets -- processing and analyzing the detailed records takes much longer. For that reason, summary numbers are usually higher (and more current) than the numbers based on detailed records. Read More → Kenny Marchant.
While summary numbers are reported almost immediately by the FEC -- and listed quickly on OpenSecrets -- processing and analyzing the detailed records takes much longer. Campaign. However, the patterns of contributions provide critical information for voters, researchers and others. Marchant was born in Bonham, Texas. A contribution to a candidate may be given an ideological code, rather than an economic code, if the contributor gives to an ideological political action committee AND the candidate has received money from PACs representing that same ideological interest.Sometimes it's hard to make apple-to-apple comparisons across some of the pages in a candidate's profile. The report said that between 2010 and 2017, Schweikert's campaign committees erroneously disclosed or failed to report at least $305,000 in … BY Alex Gangitano 02/19/20 12:32 PM EST. Contribution made to nonaffiliated committee . UNITED STATES TREASURY . *Includes contributions from other candidate committees.Under federal law, all contributions over $200 must be itemized and the donor's occupation and employer must be requested and disclosed, if provided. Kenny Marchant (Republican Party) is a member of the U.S. House, representing Texas' 24th Congressional District.He assumed office on January 4, 2005. Contribute . An ethics complaint has been filed against Rep. Kenny Marchant, R-Coppell, over a few thousand dollars in reimbursements made over the years by his campaign to some of his House staffers. Congressman Marchant was born in Bonham, Texas on February 23, 1951. OGDEN, UT ... KENNY MARCHANT FOR CONGRESS Aug 3 2015 Jun 18 2019 $28,500. Knowing those groups is also useful after the election, as issues come before Congress and the administration that may affect those organizations and their industries.In cases where two or more people from the same family contributed, the income-earner's occupation/employer is assigned to all non-wage earning family members.
House. The remaining figures - based on detailed contribution data - is updated by the Center after the 20th of every month. This gives us time to analyze the contributions and categorize them by industry and interest group.In some cases, a cluster of contributions from the same organization may indicate a concerted effort by that organization to "bundle" contributions to the candidate. Based on that information, the donor is given an economic code.
The Center uses that employer/occupation information to identify the donor's economic interest. He was raised in a middle-class upbringing with a supportive family that instilled in him the values of hard work, determination and service to others. Gun control group plans to spend $8 million in Texas in 2020. Fundraising profile for Rep. Kenny Marchant - Texas District 24