Ein Profi, der Angst vor dem Auftritt hat.Hier setzt die Handlung des Films ein, der auf dem Bühnenstück "End of the Rainbow" von Peter Quilter beruht. I could feel nothing. Doch ist jeder Auftritt ein Tanz auf dem Vulkan. Wir sehen die kleine Judy am Set von "Der Zauberer von Oz". “F–k the ice packs. She lived like a taut wire. But it was also the beginning of her legacy.The coroner, Dr. Gavin Thurston, found evidence of cirrhosis of the liver, likely due to the copious amount of alcohol had Garland consumed throughout her life.“Sometimes I feel like I’m living in a blizzard,” she once commented. It was the end of her heartfelt connection with her audience and in some ways the end of an era. Aber die Tragik schwebt schon über der Szene.Sie ist noch immer eine Legende, sie lebt noch von ihrem Ruhm. Garland’s life was a roller coaster, and Phillips was screaming in the front car.“She did such a wonderful show, no one could have suspected she wasn’t at the top of her form,” Phillips said.One disaster nearly ended fatally for both women.The manager believes that Garland’s many grisly suicide attempts were engineered to get the attention of her man du jour — in this instance, Begelman, her shifty agent and lover. Her welcome back tour was a microcosm of the songstress’ long career, with the same startling highs and crushing lows.Judy’s daughter Lorna Luft recalled that on the way out of her mother’s funeral, Deans insisted that their limousine pull over at a Manhattan office. After all, Garland starred in The Wizard of Oz, one of the most culturally important and successful movies of all time.

But “an hour and a $200 raise later, I agreed to have a conversation,” she wrote.Later, she received a call from her boss, agent David Begelman, who happened to be having an affair with Garland. When Judy was on, she could make the audience fall in love with her the way she always had, beckoning them with that creamy voice that captivated the world.

He told her that the singer was deeply sorry and that she wanted to call to apologize. I really am.

Darin beschreibt Garland eine Hollywood-Party, bei der die beiden Filmstars zusammen waren. “I’m getting tired of coming back. “Nevertheless, I tried to take her pulse. Wie schafft man es, diese Person so zu spielen, dass man nicht immer schon ihr Ende vor Augen hat. I don’t think she ever looked for real happiness, because she always thought happiness would mean the end.”Judy Garland’s childhood seemed like it could have been ripped from a movie much darker than the cheery, hopeful films she usually starred in.She would eventually go on to attempt suicide at least 20 times throughout her life, according to her ex-husband Sid Luft.Naturally, this kind of deprivation and self-abuse did little for the confidence of an adolescent girl. But on this night, she requested to change in her hotel suite.Although they were as dramatic a partnership as there ever was, Garland and Phillips got close. In particular, gay men found a kindred spirit in Garland — particularly later in her career.

Judy did nothing inadvertently.”When Garland came to a few hours later, the Strip shook.In 1963, during a concert-tour stop in Boston, Phillips and Garland were staying at the Ritz-Carlton hotel overlooking Boston Common. She was Dorothy in “The Wizard of Oz” and Esther in “A Star Is Born,” the singer of “The Man That Got Away” and “Somewhere Over the Rainbow.” Behind the scenes, however, Garland was somewhere over the cuckoo’s nest.Toward the end of the tour, Garland generously brought her manager onstage to duet with her, then aggressively shoved her back into the wings when it turned out Phillips could carry a tune. She walked into the kitchen, grabbed a large knife and lunged at her manager. Immer wieder vergleicht man Original und Abbild, erlebt die Imitation statt einer Interpretation. Sie singt die bekannten Songs von Judy Garland selbst, übernimmt gekonnt die eleganten Bühnenbewegungen der Sängerin. Would you like to receive desktop browser notifications about breaking news and other major stories?There was the Caribbean vacation where a nearly naked Garland serenaded rowdy longshoremen in the Bahamas with “Over the Rainbow” from her hotel balcony. Genauso wenig lassen sich das gelebte Leben, die Verzweiflung, der Schmerz, der in Garlands Songs zu spüren ist, in eine reine Nacherzählung packen - und diese Erkenntnis wäre schon mal eine gute Grundlage für einen Film.Wie legt man eine Rolle an, wenn das Schicksal der Figur bereits bekannt ist? Auch nicht vom Schicksal ihrer Figur. She was — I’m sure — at peace, and has found that rainbow. Where the f–k did you hide them?”Garland was performing a two-week stint at the Sahara hotel in Las Vegas in 1962 and although her celebrity had faded, the hotel nonetheless put her up in the glamorous penthouse suite.When Garland died in 1969, Phillips lived just one block away from the Frank E. Campbell Funeral Home in Manhattan, where the star’s last hurrah was held.