Movie extras are used in an attempt to make scenes in films and TV show appear fuller, richer and natural.

Love Fact Fiend by the way.To maintain continuity between shots, extras could, and in most cases will, be expected to wear the exact same outfit multiple days in a row if a scene takes multiple days to shoot, with some directors going as far as to have pictures taken of individual extras to ensure their outfit and hair remains the exact same between takes.Or, if you’re really lucky, as one Jon Porter noted of the pinnacle of his Background Acting career, in which he got to play a dead German soldier who the protagonist of the film had killed,When not required to be in a given place, extras generally congregate in some designated area away from the important people, where they read, chat, play cards, or otherwise find any way possible to stave off boredom.Beyond being boring, in some cases the life of an extra can also be extremely uncomfortable. A background actor or extra is a performer in a film, television show, stage, musical, opera or ballet production, who appears in a nonspeaking or nonsinging (silent) capacity, usually in the background (for example, in an audience or busy street scene).

To avoid this, beyond being conscientious of body movements, some extras practice nonsense phrases they can repeatedly mouth to one another. An extra (also called Background Actor, background talent, and atmosphere) is someone who performs in a production in a nonspeaking role, usually in the background. The hardest part is in the beginning when you need to make a name for yourself as a reliable background artist who will always show up on time and be professional. Obviously they can also be in commercials. I [laid] on the ground, outside, in the middle of February playing a corpse in a major motion picture. Casting directors who are working with background artists simply want to see what you look like.Working as an extra will allow you to participate in so many different projects within the entertainment industry, and you’ll have to do little more than simply show up and follow blocking or movement instruction. In a word- boring. Obviously, bigger productions pay more, and low-budget films will pay less if anything.Even if you don’t work with a single extras agency or representative unit, different agencies hold open casting calls that you can come and check out. Again, they don’t want someone who will distract the audience watching at home. (For a full list of the many and surprisingly specific ways you can get pay bumps, and exact dollar amounts, do go read, as we did in all its glory, SAG-AFTRA’s absolutely riveting 56 page “Handbook for Performers Working as Background Actors.”)It’s also important to note here that a given shoot might easily last 10-15+ hours, during which the extras are mostly to be found waiting around for someone to tell them what to do. The best definition of what a movie extra does or better yet, does not do is, say lines. A savvy veteran extra may even bring a suitcase with a variety of clothing just to make sure they have exactly what’s needed to get in a given sceneIt’s inevitably the stunt guys who have the fun of actually getting into a fight.

New background auditions and casting calls are posted to daily. If it is not already specified on the voucher, or if you are not told, ask if you are a general extra, or if you have been cast for something specific.Look for an extras check in area. Keep in mind that you will be driving to a location that you are not familiar with. As a SAG member, you will be compensated well (see SAG rates)There will be a designated parking area for the film crew. In addition to working as a Background Actor, you may also be booked as a Stand-In or double or because you have a bookable car.When working on a movie, you have the chance to share screen time with some of Hollywood‘s biggest stars. Give yourself extra time to get to the set or stage (being late is not a good way to get a SAG voucher) Bring reading materials for when you are in the holding area (a "bull pen" for extras).3 - To get hired as a SAG extra for three days.
So, while the extras are not needed, they spend their time hanging around the holding area, awaiting their next call to appear on camera.As an extra, you will get more comfortable working with production assistants and assistant directors, come to see how a “live” film set works, and even observe others, such as camera operators, wardrobe, and producers, to see what their jobs entail. The moment they die, however, it becomes the humble extra’s job to lie on the ground and play their corpse for the rest of the shots in the scene. Many times featured extras will be friends of the producers or the director.