Estimated Bills Emera Maine has all but eliminated estimated bills since the installation of automated meters in 2004. The Company's primary business is the delivery of electricity to customers in northern and eastern Maine. Customer Service Toll Free: 1-855-363-7211 Local: 207-973-2000 Send Us an Email If you choose not to save your payment method and banking information, you will need to enter the information each time you make a payment.Online Services will allow you to manage your accounts easily and all in one place.

For each account registered, you can report an outage, request your monthly meter usage, and request tree trimming. Any customer who has experienced a loss of income or has a question or a concern about their bill is encouraged to call our Customer Contact Center at 1-855-363-7211 or 207-973-2000. Emera Maine is an electric transmission and distribution utility company. Any customer who has experienced a loss of income or has a question or a concern about their bill is encouraged to call our Customer Contact Center at 1-855-363-7211 or 207-973-2000.

To avoid late fees for all recurring payments, we recommend your payment is scheduled no less than 3 days prior to the due date of your bill.All payments made by 8:00 p.m. Eastern Standard Time on business days will be credited to your Versant Power utility account by the next business day. The Company delivers electricity to over 154, 000 residential, commercial and industrial customers across 9,350 square miles in over five counties in eastern and northern Maine. Residential sales are about the same as last year, but he expects that to change with the warmer weather.CMP spokesperson Catharine Hartnett said the company has data on only one month of uncollected bills, so it would be challenging to specify how much of that is related to the coronavirus pandemic.Versant experienced a 10 percent decrease in electricity use by commercial customers in April 2020 compared to April 2019, said company spokesperson Judy Long. Maine law requires CMP and Emera Maine to ask for commission approval to shut off electric service during the winter disconnect period, which currently runs through April 15.

The maximum amount we may charge you for a late fee is set annually by the MPUC under Chapter 870 of its rules, which are available on its website at Find answers to our customers' most frequently asked questions.What are the browser requirements?Is there a cost associated with using Online Services?How do I sign up for Online Services?On the Bangor Hydro District Online Services site, select "Profile" under the "Welcome" menu and there is a check box you can use to un-enroll from E-Bill services.If the browser you are using has cookies enabled, you will only have to make this selection once.

)Because some information varies by District, please identify your District on the map above, or enter your town or zipcode. Emera Maine, the utility that distributes power to more than 150,000 customers across eastern and northern Maine, is being sold to a western Canadian firm in a deal valued at more than $1 billion.